Învățați și voi să plătiți pentru lucrurile care vă plac și care chiar vă ajută în munca voastră. Pe mine mă ajută adblockerul pentru că pot închide reclamele de pe gsp, realitatea și alte ziare de calibru. Pentru asta, a meritat banii mei.
Da, nu e o sumă mare, dar câți dintre voi se pot lăuda că au donat 1 leu unui dezvoltator care muncește gratuit ca voi să jucați angry birds pe budă?

Michael Gundlach adblockforchrome@gmail.com

11:43 PM (14 minutes ago)

to me
Hi Cetin!

I wrote AdBlock in the hope that I could make people’s lives better. You just
told me that I managed to do it 🙂 Thank you very, very much! You are so

It’s been a little scary since I quit my job, hoping that my users would chip
in enough that I could support my family and fund more AdBlock development.
The vast majority of users choose NOT to pay for AdBlock, so your contribution
is even more appreciated!

In any case, Katie and I have decided that it’s important enough work that I
should keep doing it whether or not we can live off of our users’ goodwill,
until we start running out of savings. You just tipped our scales a little
further in our favor… did I say thank you yet? Thank you! 😀

Happy ad blocking,
– Michael

PS: Word of mouth is the only marketing AdBlock uses. If you haven’t already,
would you tell all your friends and family about chromeadblock.com and
safariadblock.com? It would help me and Katie IMMENSELY 🙂

> Hello Michael Gundlach,
> This email confirms that you have received a payment of $2.00 USD
> from Cetin Daniel Ametcea (*******@****mail.com).
> Payment details:
> Total amount: $2.00
> Currency: U.S. Dollars
> Purpose: AdBlock
> Contributor: Cetin Daniel Ametcea
> Note: None
> Sincerely,
> Paypal

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.